Think Again: 8: Depolarizing Our Divided Discussions

Velvet Learning
Published in
1 min readJun 17, 2021


Here are my notes on chapter 8 of Adam Grant’s Think Again book.

  • Presenting a balanced case when discussing hot topics can avoid binary bias. We tend to simplify a complex continuum into two categories.
  • Showcase the range of perspectives on a given topic.
  • A dose of complexity can disrupt overconfidence cycles and spur rethinking cycles. It increases humility about our knowledge, increases our doubts, increases curiosity to discover information we were lacking.
  • Resist the impulse to simplify is a step towards becoming more argument literate.
  • Apply rethinking to different parts of our lives so that we can keep learning at every stage of our lives
  • Recognize complexity as a signal of credibility.
  • Favor content and sources that present many sides of an issue rather than 1 or 2.
  • Recognizing complexity seeds great conversations.
  • Caveats and contingencies — all the places and populations where an affect may change
  • Avoid maintaining a consistent narrative rather than an accurate record
  • Idea cults- when you say/think ___ is always a good or ___ is never bad.
  • Productive conversations are when people treat their feelings as a rough draft.
  • Restricted emotions gets in the way of rethinking
  • In scientist mode- a charged conversations can results in an invigorating truth and new opportunities for understanding and progress.

